
In-House Training Programs

Webinars and Traditional Face-to-Face training

Persons with Disabilities in the Workplace

Date: September 23, 2022

This 8-hour online training is intended for all employees of CHOs. It is designed to promote barrier-free services, increase understanding of the different disability issues, and provide services responsive to the needs of the PWDs. It discusses disability perspectives and laws, categories of disability, and proper techniques in assisting persons with disabilities. 

Module 1. Introduction: Laws And Policies in The Philippines Concerning Persons with Disabilities

Module 2. Categories of Disability 

Module 3. Different Support Services and Mechanisms

Module 4. Rights And Privileges of Persons with Disabilities Under Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

Module 5. Proper Techniques in Assisting Persons with Disabilities 

Orientation for Newly-Hired Personnel

Date: February 15, 16, 17, 2022.

This webinar aims to provide participants with essential information about the objectives, mandates, vision, mission, and core values of PPA, departmental policy-related information and office standard operating procedures. It discusses detailed information about human resource management functions such as recruitment, compensation, incentives and benefits, office decorum, employees’ welfare, roles and responsibilities, learning and development activities, among others.

Module 1. The Philippine Ports Authority
Module 2. Port Management System and Organizational Development
Module 3.  Personnel Management/Administration
Module 4.  Learning and Development
Module 5. Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS)
Module 6. Port Operations and Services
Module 7. PANTALAN
Module 8. PPA Cooperatives and Other Institutions

VEC 2022

Values Enhancement Course 101

Date: February 22 to 24, 2022

This webinar is designed to help the participants appreciate the importance of having a good attitude toward personal effectiveness and satisfying work life. It also helps the participants to review their work values in the light of corporate values and the components of ethical decisions. It provides experiential learning that necessarily enables the participants to discover their work value system. 

Module 1. Public Service And Customer Relations
Module 2. Values And Conduct Formation For Client Relations
Module 3. Effective Interpersonal Skills In Customer Relations
Module 4. Managing Customer Relations
Module 5. Handling Conflicts With Proper Conduct
Module 6. Managing Stress To Improve Work And Customer Relationship
Module 7. Managing Anger To Improve Interpersonal Skills

Pre-Retirement Orientation

Date: February 21-22, 2022.

This pre-retirement orientation is designed to provide the participants with relevant information and sound decision-making skills for a successful transition to retirement, help them plan their future and adjust to a new stage of their lives. It also covers financial aspects, government policies and benefits and PPA’s procedures and requirements upon retirement.

Module 1. Realities For Retirement
Module 2. Lifestyle After Retirement
Module 3. Investment Opportunities
Module 4. Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Life And Retirement Benefits
Module 5. Pagibig Fund Benefits
Module 6. Senior Citizens Benefits
Module 7. PPA Retirement Process Flow And Documentary Requirements And Special Privileges

VEC 2022

Values Enhancement Course 101

Date: February 22 to 24, 2022

This webinar is designed to help the participants appreciate the importance of having a good attitude toward personal effectiveness and satisfying work life. It also helps the participants to review their work values in the light of corporate values and the components of ethical decisions. It provides experiential learning that necessarily enables the participants to discover their work value system. 

Module 1. Public Service And Customer Relations
Module 2. Values And Conduct Formation For Client Relations
Module 3. Effective Interpersonal Skills In Customer Relations
Module 4. Managing Customer Relations
Module 5. Handling Conflicts With Proper Conduct
Module 6. Managing Stress To Improve Work And Customer Relationship
Module 7. Managing Anger To Improve Interpersonal Skills

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