Container terminals have played an essential role in global business as an interface between sea and land transport. With increasing containerization, the number of container terminals has increased significantly which has caused considerable improvements in the quality of port services. Moreover, the expansion of containerization has been a reason behind the severe competition among container terminals. Higher port efficiency, in terms of container handling operations, is necessary to survive in such a competitive environment. Consequently, ports must continuously accelerate their modernization and expansion wherein deployment of modern cargo handling equipment and streamlining of procedures for fast turnaround of vessels and resources must meet these demands. To efficiently meet these requirements, it is necessary to upgrade the competencies and capabilities of personnel involved in the management, operations, and maintenance of container terminals.
Container 101 is designed to increase understanding of container terminal operations and the evolutions impacting the development of container terminals. It covers the requirements of container terminals for faster service and higher quality container handling. It focuses on the systems of containers flow between quayside with loading and unloading of ships and landside where containers are loaded and unloaded on/off the truck.